domingo, 28 de octubre de 2007

Hockey and Chinatown

Hallo dames en heren.

I'm going to write this post in English. Why? No idea. There aren't any secret, not love story, night clubs, fights or something like that. Just I want it.

Continuing with the pictures, I'm going to put in the post pictures of the Gigants match and Chinatown. And explain something about that :P

In Canada hockey is the most important sport. You can see in the door of the pubs ads with the next match. The Vancouver hockey team is Canucks (sounds canaks) but the tickets are expensive (more than 60 canadian dollars). And they always lose their matchs. But Gigant are the junior team, seventeen years old's men. Is a faster game, less fights, and cheaper tickets :) We went with Inlingua school and these are the pictures.

About Chinatown I know really well this part of the city: I live there. It's nice and there are a lot of shops with strange dry food. Not so nice is Hasting Street but I will tell you about this street after.

Kisses and enjoy the pictures !!!!

PD It's a cool hangover post.

2 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

Rugby,hockey,pesca en la "chorro",pero que tipo de deportes te gustan coño!! :)

Por cierto, a base de petición popular la noche de Halloween hago una "pequeña fiestecilla" en mi nuevo atico.

Si alguien kiere venirse esta invitao..eso si hay que venir disfrazao OBLIGATORIAMENTE.

Aquí la prima va de catwoman!!!se prometen fotos..aunke no puedo subirlas creo?

besitos a todos los batman,spidermans y superheroes que me salven de esta vida de vicio y desperdicio.




Chus dijo...

Hi everyone. I am goingo to support your cousin's asking, we want more Fon's events. Give up talking about the love, the sports, we want GIRLS events. I am not going to support Nacho's ideas, for instance "metele el morro", he is really overconfident this season, I don't know what he will be doing over there in Madrid.

GREETINGS from London.